Birth chart (or) Natal chart:(Vedic astrology)
A birth chart (or) natal chart is nothing but a chart which shows the positions of your planets at time of your birth.The planets can be in any of 12 zodiac signs. Say a person born on October 18 1986 his sun will be in Libra,Moon in Aries and other planets in different houses of zodiac.why this chart important because it is chart of our life to predict what person you are,what career will you do,what your interests are all the things you need to know about yourselfThings you need to know to generate your free horoscope:
1.your birth time very important don't generate your horoscope if you don't know your birth time because your chart will be not right for some positions like your ascendant which changes signs every 3 hours. Ascendant is most important thing in horoscope if you get it wrong your chart will be useless.
2.your birth place because the degrees of the planets will change if you provide wrong country as your birth place
3.your birth date is mandatory to generate your horoscope provide the correct date otherwise no use to generate your horoscope.
Generate You Natal birth chart for free
your free vedic natal chart.