Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Makara lagna (or) Capricorn Ascendant character and personality

Makara lagna(or)Capricorn ascendant

Makara lagna(or)Capricorn ascendant persons are emaciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body will not be plump or muscular but slender. A native of this lagna(or)ascendant grows tall suddenly on becoming young and his constitution improves with age. His nose is long and eyes deep set. The hair is coarse.

Makara (or)Capricorn is an earthy sign. So the Makara lagna(or)Capricorn ascendant native is economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. He is methodical, slow and steady and patient. He is calculative and business-like.

Makara(or)Capricorn is also a movable sign. This indicates after giving due consideration to any matter, the Makara lagna(or)Capricorn ascendant native will come to a quick decision. He will have push and confidence. He has special organizing capacity and lot of tolerance.

A Makara lagna(or)Capricorn ascendant native is generally not an optimistic person. He will have to accept the reality of a thing when the outcome is known. Makara is owned by Shani(or)Saturn. If the lagna(or)ascendant does not have evil influences, the native will be honest, sincere and reliable. If the lagna(or)ascendant is afflicted, he will be dishonest,selfish, greedy miserly and may even become a criminal. Further with good influences on lagna(or)ascendant the native will never be idle. On the other hand, he will be very hardworking always keep himself busy. With bad influences on lagna(or)ascendant the native will become Lazy and a pessimist to the extreme.

Makara lagna(or)Capricorn ascendant natives are conservative by nature. They will not care for difficulties, handicaps and hindrances which will always be there for such people. They will continue to work until they bring their work or task entrusted to them to a successful conclusion. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later

Professions most suitable to Makara lagna(or)Capricorn ascendant people are-service in business concerns, municipality or government. They are also very well suited to work in mines and oil concerns. They can also become engineers, scientists or research scholars.

Makara lagna(or)Capricorn ascendant people generally marry late. They are good husbands and fathers of many children; but they do not make a show of their affection. On the other hand, they would enforce discipline in the house as they do in the place of their work

Video Guide for Capricorn ascendant

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