Sun in different houses of zodaic
SUN in different houses
SUN IN 1st house : Sun in the Ascendant denotes, that the native will
have less hair (on the head), be lazy in function, given to
anger, will have prominent personality, be honorable, will have
weak sight and coarse physique, be courageous, impatient and
unkind. If the Ascendant is Cancer and is occupied by the Sun,
the native will have swollen eyes, if it be Aries with Sun
therein, his sight will be weak and in Leo the Sun makes him
night-blind. One suffers poverty and loss of children, if the
Sun occupies Libra.
SUN IN 2nd house: If the Sun is in the 2nd house, the native will be endowed with servants and quadrupeds,
will suffer facial diseases, will be deprived of happiness and
wealth and will lose money through royal displeasure, or through
SUN IN 3rd house: The native will be
valorous, strong, will lose co-born, be dear to people,
good-looking, very learned and will conquer his enemies.
SUN IN 4th house : The native will be
devoid of conveyances and relatives, will suffer heart diseases,
will destroy paternal house and wealth and will serve a bad
SUN IN 5th house: The native will be
bereft of happiness, sons and wealth, will live by husbandry,
will move in hills and fortresses, be fickle-minded, scholarly,
devoid of strength and be short-lived.
SUN IN 6th house: The native will be very
libidinous, will have powerful digestive fire (capable of
digesting fast), be strong, affluent, famous for virtues and be
either a king, or an Army chief.
SUN IN 7th house: The native will
be poor, insulted, will suffer bodily diseases, royal displeasure and imprisonment, will take to bad ways and will
not be well-disposed to his wife.
SUN IN 8th house: The native will
have deformed eyes, be devoid of wealth and happiness, be
short-lived and will suffer separation from his relatives.
SUN IN 9th house: The native will
be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very
interested in worshiping Gods and Brahmans, will not be
well-disposed towards his father and wife and be not calm.
SUN IN 10th house: The native will be
extremely intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with
conveyances, relatives and sons, will succeed in his
undertakings, be valorous, unconquerable and great.
SUN IN 11th house: one will be
interested in gathering money, be strong, will hate others, be
devoid of servants, be himself a servant, be devoid of
affection, be modest and will be successful in undertakings.
SUN IN 12th house: he will have a
deformed physique, be one-eyed, fallen (morally), will marry a
barren lady, be inimical to his father, weak and mean.
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