Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pisces Ascendant (or) Meena lagna Appearance and Personality

Pisces Ascendant (or) Meena lagna:

Meena lagna (or) Pisces Ascendant persons are generally short in stature; but they are plump with short hands and feet. Meena is a watery sign ruled by Guru (or) Jupiter . The natives are, therefore, by nature philosophical, restless full of imagination, and fond of romantic life.

They are honest, humane and helpful. They always have forget and forgive spirit. On account of their being over liberal and overgenerous, they often hamper their own progress. They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others and on charitable causes.

Meena(or) Pisces is a dual sign, so the natives are not steady. They may easily change from one profession to another. Meena lagna (or) Pisces Ascendant people can be good occultists and traders dealing in liquids. They can also succeed in import and export business; but they are best suited for charitable institutions.

They can become good actors and musicians as Shukra(or)Venus is exalted in this sign. They can also succeed as ministers and physicians. They are also successful in the navy, in shipping organisations, hospitals or sanatoriums.

 The married life of Meena lagna (or) Pisces Ascendant persons is generally happy; but they have a jealous nature and being natives of a dual sign, they are always two minded. Their partners in life have, therefore, to be careful and try to adjust themselves with the changing moods, tastes and fancies of their husbands if they want to have a peaceful and happy domestic life.

Video Guide for Pisces Ascendant:

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